Sunday, April 24, 2011

Circulation Patterns

The circulation patterns of the human heart and lungs was explored for application into my building design.

Unoxygenated blood from the body enters into the left atrium of the heart:

The left ventricle then directs the blood to either the left or right lung:

The lungs re-oxygenate the blood:

Oxygenated blood moves into the Right atrium:

The Right ventricle then pushes the blood back out to the body cells:

These same principles can be applied loosely to a building:

From the site, users enter the building into the foyer and reception area:

They are then directed either right or left to two separate program types:

Completion of activity at these program spaces occurs:

Both sides re-enter a common shared program:

Users can leave the building back in to the site:

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