Thursday, April 21, 2011

Circulatory System

the circulatory system is responisble for the transport of materials (blood, nutrients, oxygen) throughout the human body to billions of cells and collects wastes such as carbon dioxide.

The circulatory system seems to relate directly with my revised concept of the building becoming a physical being with the movement of occupants through the site becoming the energy and action.

The circulatory system can be seen as a highway travelling throughout the entire body connecting all of the body cells. Therefore the people become the blood, moving throughout the building in an effecitve way, connecting all of the program spaces while creating energy and action within the building giving a sense of life and identity. Action, user flow, linkages and connection are crucial to impart the physical being (building) with action and energy.

The human heart and lungs are the central figures and provide all of the movement within the circulatory system. Therefore it became my biomimicry exemplar.

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